While we’re certainly one-of-a-kind, we didn’t invent the co-op. Financial cooperatives and credit unions have been around since the 1800s, evolving with a shared set of principles that govern and guide like-minded companies around the globe.

From our commitment to community, to our unique mission in financial services, to your relationship and role as a member – the Eight Cooperative Principles of Credit Unions help to distinguish who we are and what we do. Take two of our core principles for example: Autonomy and Independence and Education, Training, and Information.


Autonomy and Independence

“Credit unions are independent, self-reliant organizations controlled by their member-owners, not outside stockholders. When making business deals or raising money, credit unions never compromise their autonomy or democratic member control.” – National Credit Union Foundation

Think of Visions as self-contained, self-reliant, and self-motivated. Unlike most banks or finance companies, we don’t answer to a larger corporation, private stockholders or investors, or questionable business partners. We answer to you, and this commitment to members guarantees autonomy and independence as well as transparency. Even as we expand and innovate, you remain at the head of our mission. We have a firm stance: we refuse to compromise your democratic control.

Want proof? Learn how committees of volunteers, who are members just like you, run the show – and how you could volunteer, too! As a cooperative, we believe that we’re more successful when our members and staff work together. That’s why members get insider updates in every issue of MoneyMatters, where you can find out about company reports, read about our government advocacy efforts, and more.


Education, Training, and Information

“Credit unions provide education and training for members, elected representatives, and employees so they can contribute effectively to the cooperative. Credit unions place particular importance on educational opportunities for their volunteer directors, and financial education for their members." – National Credit Union Foundation

Education and training go hand in hand at Visions. As a cooperative, we naturally want our members to contribute to our success. Which means you should understand the ins and outs of our business – so you can help us run it! 

At the center of our education efforts is financial well-being, ensuring that our members, volunteer Board of Directors, and employees understand the basics of personal finances and have resources to learn more. Going beyond our commitment to members, we also offer free financial wellness resources, academic programs and internships in local schools, and even one-on-one financial counseling.


Learn more about Visions, our mission, and the credit union movement.


Explore our cooperative principles:


Autonomy and Education      Democracy and Community

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion      Cooperation Among Cooperatives

Membership and Participation

Education Articles

  • Debt Protection by TruStage™

    Debt Protection could cover or reimburse your loan payments up to the contract maximums in the event of disability or involuntary unemployment, either for the primary borrower or for those who are joint on the loan as cosigners. Life coverage could even cancel the remaining balance of your loan upon the borrower(s)’ death. When applying for an eligible loan, simply select your preferred Debt Protection coverage. . .

  • Cooperative Principles: Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

    Credit unions support diversity, equity, and inclusion as a shared credit union cooperative principle and continue to have a responsibility and take a leadership role in building and serving more diverse, equitable, and inclusive communities.

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